Cannabis Activism | Technology | Education | Consulting | Community

Creators of the Weed Farmer smash hit series of marijuana entertainment apps and providers of practical cannabis industry education. Since 2011, we've engaged with millions of Marijuana Enthusiasts World Wide.

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The Future of Cannabis

When you walk into a major liquor retailer like Total Wine and Spirits, you encounter tremendous product variety, that follows well established rules for retail distribution. Take for example the …

Happy 420!

We want to thank all of our Beta Testers who helped us stabilize the game. Weed Farmer University is now considered stable and out of Beta. We will continue to …

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About Us

The Grow Brothers are a team of technologists and online social community developers dedicated toward creating and maintaining high-quality pro-marijuana technology based products. From massively multiplayer mobile online social entertainment, to activism, music, and even patented growing technology, founder Franklin Brothers has been a pioneer in the legalization effort with the express strategy of normalizing cannabis in the United States. By putting his message in front of the eyes of millions of Americans, Brother Franklin helped the people to see that after all, it IS only a plant.

Our History

The Grow Brothers started in 2010, with the idea of creating an entertainment app that would show how easy it was to grow marijuana. Our goal was to demonstrate that it all starts with a seed, and that with time and care, healthy plants can be harvested at good profits. We wanted to divorce weed from other violent drug culture . . . (click title link for full text)

Our Vision

Our vision is of an America where marijuana is treated no differently than beer. Weed Farmer as a brand has helped usher in the new leniency and will continue evangelizing . . . (click title link for full text)

The Original - Weed Farmer Classic

Some Fun Facts about the Weed Farmer Brand:

We got our start in apps and pioneered mobile online social entertainment, but have made some steady organic progress with traditional social media like Facebook and Twitter.

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